Pledge Parties! What are they?

September 11, 2019

During the weeks leading up to Playathon on November 8th, various families host pledge parties.  Band kids gather at a student’s home, form groups, and walk the neighborhood, sharing their music along the way.  The kids talk about Rio’s music program and collect pledges too.  Dates, locations, and times are posted in the band room so check them out!  No pledge party in your neighborhood? Please pledge here!

Playathon 2019

September 4, 2019

We need parents to help with Playathon. In addition to general assistance, we are still looking for three parent chairs.  Please get involved and help us make this long-standing Rio Band tradition a success! First meeting will be at Monday, September 9th at 7pm in the Band Room. Contact Kelly Coplin with questions

Free Tickets to Disneyland

August 28, 2019

Help Rio Band earn FREE Disneyland Tickets


Disney Parks is celebrating volunteerism by offering up to 25 tickets to schools who create eligible projects. Since Playathon includes families from our school and our community, Rio Band can earn 25 free tickets to be auctioned off at Dinner Dance!

We just need the names of your family members and at least one email to count toward the 200 volunteers necessary to earn our 25 tickets.  (This means, with one email and 5 family members, we can have 5 volunteers count toward our 200 volunteer total). Don’t worry, last year our participants did not get extra spam after providing their emails.

Please click this link to get yourself and your family members signed up to help Rio Band!