Important Playathon Information

November 3, 2015

Rio Band Families,

Playathon is on Friday! Here’s lots of information you need to know (and this cool flyer):

  1. All band students are expected to check into the band room during 0 period on Friday. Please have all students here no later than 7:20. Students in a 0 period class should arrive at the usual time.
  2. All band students must turn in their personal pledge packet at check in. Only a few more days to hit up family, friends, neighbors and others for much needed donation! 
  3. All donated food and drinks should be brought to the small gym on Friday morning. Please do not send any donations in before Friday, as we have nowhere to store them. 
  4. Unless we have already excused them, all band students must attend all of their classes on Friday. 
  5. Playathon runs from 7am until midnight. All band students are required to attend Playathon until the All-Play is over, at roughly 10pm. Students will not be allowed to leave early for any reason. 
  6. We expect all band students to comport themselves responsibly and respectfully during the entire event. Any disciplinary issues may result in students being sent home, with further discipline- up to permanent removal from the band program- to follow.
  7. There is an optional student dance, with live music from Smamble from 10pm to midnight. Band students are allowed to bring one guest each. The band student will be 100% responsible for the behavior and actions of their guest, so choose wisely. 
  8. Playathon ends at midnight, sharp. We’ll be done with cleanup by 12:30. Please do not be late to pick up your kids. It’s a VERY long day for Mr. Kiesner and I, and the last thing we should have to do is wait in the cold parking lot in the wee hours for a tardy parent. It’s happened in the past- DON’T be THAT parent. 

Here’s the Playathon schedule:

ALL performances are held in the Rio cafeteria

7am-2:50pm: Performances for Rio students
3:10-4:20pm: HCB with middle school kids
4:30-5:30pm: ACB with elementary school kids
5:45-8:45pm: Public concert- In order: JWS, FM, PM, AM, ICB, ACB, HCB
9-10pm: ALL-PLAY!
10pm-midnight: Dance
Midnight: cleanup and pickup

Here’s a link to a really cool youtube video John Nelson (Serena’s dad) put together for Playathon:

See everyone here on Friday!

Josh Murray
Band Director
Rio Americano High School
4540 American River Dr
Sacramento, Ca 95864
(916) 971-7512

Playathon News

October 24, 2015

Our 35th annual Playathon is November 6th! The bands are practicing, and preparations are in full swing. It promises to be another fantastic Rio Band event. Here’s what you need to know:

Please remember that Playathon is our largest and most important fundraiser of the year, and we count on the donations we receive to keep us financially afloat throughout the school year. We ask every student and every family to do their part to keep Rio Band strong. All band students received a ‘pledge packet’ a couple of weeks ago. That packet is their ticket into Playathon. Please make sure to ask family, friends, coworkers and neighbors to support Rio Band by making a donation!

We still need all families to sign up to work a parent shift during the event. The link is below.

We ask all families to send in food or drink for the event. Please do not bring anything in prior to the day of Playathon. The signup link is below.

Tickets are still available for our iMax movie night on 11/1. The link is below.

Playathon dinner is provided for all students. Parents and others can also enjoy our ‘breakfast for dinner’ from Bella Bru, but you must pre-order ($13 each). The link is below.

Here’s the link for everything Playathon-related:

Josh Murray
Band Director
Rio Americano High School
4540 American River Dr
Sacramento, Ca 95864
(916) 971-7512

Rio Band shirts!!!

October 9, 2015

We are once again making Rio Band apparel available to students and families. These are NOT required, but every student will want to show their band pride with some Rio Band gear! You can click here to order them online. There is a very short window for ordering, so make sure to handle it right away. All orders are due NO LATER than next Thursday, 10/15. No late orders will be accepted, by form or online.