The Pep Band includes all the Rio Band Students – ready to lead some true Rio Americano Spirit at Sports Matches and Pep Rallies.
Our Pep Band is being run very differently this year. All band students are required to participate in Pep Band at home football and (some) basketball games.
We realize that there will be conflicts for some students, with other sports, family commitments, and more. We must account for every member of band at these events. If anyone will miss part or all of a Pep Band commitment for any reason, the band teachers must have a written (not emailed) note from a parent at least a week prior to the event.
Thank you in advance for your help and cooperation.
Go Rio Raiders!
Battle the foe for Green and Gold!
Ready to meet all invaders
With our heads held high we will hear the victory cry
And when the battle is over
And on high you’ll hear our name
You will know the Rio Raiders
Have won another game!