Philosophy of Rio Band

The Rio Americano Band Program has a long history of fantastic music, pride, and top-notch education. We fully intend on furthering that tradition this year. We are very excited about the challenges and adventures that await all of us.

The goals of Rio Band are to provide the finest possible musical education, and to create an atmosphere that promotes character and excellence from all of our students. This is done in a positive and creative atmosphere that focuses on independent thought, self esteem, maturity, creativity, respect, leadership, teamwork, work ethic and personal responsibility. Music is the means to the end of creating successful, creative and happy adults.

While we will participate in some competitions, winning will never be a goal for us. We strive to approach every rehearsal and performance with professionalism, and to play all styles of music with a deep respect for history and culture. As a result of these efforts, we tend to win awards. Either way, we are equally proud of our kids.

Virtually every instrumental music program begins with Concert Band – a large ensemble. From there, if the number of students supports it, the school administration can offer other smaller classes, other levels, or other kinds of bands. In our case, we’ve been fortunate to add 3 Jazz Bands, other levels of Concert Band, and Small Ensemble class.

It is important to remember that all the decisions we make regarding policies are done for the good of the students and the overall good of the program. Implementation is done only after careful scrutiny and virtual assurance that the change is for the better. Feel free to contact the band directors with any questions at or .