Cool Alumni Stuff
Remember Emma Simpson and Brodie Mills from Rio Band? Here’s a note from them- It’s been awhile since you’ve heard music out of these two. What happened? What are they doing? Did they fall off the face of the planet? Well, they’re making a record! It will be 8-12 songs long, featuring their jazz and rock skills in a way you haven’t heard them before. They’re getting started and need your help. They are trying to raise $2,000 in 46 days! A word from the artists: Thank you all so much for taking your time to just visit this page! I am so excited to make this record. I can’t wait to get started. Your help is greatly appreciated. As they say, it takes a village, and I know that I can always count on my village. Thank you!! -Emma Thank you to all who have supported me so far in my musical endeavors. Without you, I would not be the musician that I am today. I am so looking forward to writing and recording a full length album with my favorite person in the world! Your support is always welcome. Thank you! -Brodie
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At Rio, we love our alumni (and our current students too). Please let us know where you are and what you’ve been doing. We are building a contact database of Rio Band Alumni. Please use the form below or email your current email address by clicking Alumni Email Site. We will keep you up to date on band events.