Rio Band News!

August 31, 2015

From the desk of Mr. Murray…

  1. The Pep Band will be playing for two Friday night football games this year- September 11 and October 16. Both are ‘home’ games, but will be held at Del Campo High School. They are required events for ALL Rio Band students. If there is a conflict with either date, please have the student speak directly with Mr. Kiesner or Mr. Murray to work through it, as soon as possible. More details will come as we get closer. We are NOT playing for the football game this Friday, September 4.
  2. SENIORS AND SENIOR PARENTS: This is the time of year when students are asking teachers to write letters of recommendations for college. Here are a few suggestions/ guidelines- Ask Politely! Treat it like the significant favor it is. Be organized! Keep in mind that writing a letter of recommendation takes roughly 1 hour per student. Give AT LEAST two weeks notice before the letter is due. Make sure to give a heartfelt ‘Thank you,’ from students AND parents after the letter is written and submitted.
  3. It’s always advisable for students to study privately on their instruments, and we recommend (but we do not require) that they do so.  Here is our list of recommended private teachers on each instrument. There may be some others who should be included. We try to update it every year. If you’re not sure which teacher would be the best fit for your student, Mr Murray and Mr Kiesner can help with that decision.
  4. THEATER CONSTRUCTION NEWS: We will be moving out of the music building, into temporary housing in existing portables between February 8 and 12. We’ll need to reschedule the Winter Concert and Small Ensemble Night scheduled for that week. We’ll also have a big ‘say goodbye to the band room’ party. More information when we have it.
  5. THEATER CONSTRUCTION NEWS, PART 2: I will be suggesting that the new theater complex be named “The Craig Faniani Center for the Arts at Rio Americano”. Mr. Faniani was the Band Director here at Rio from 1981 to 2007, and I had the honor of working side by side with him for nine years. He built the program that we all love from the ground up, and without him, there would be no theater to name. Since leaving Rio, ‘Mr. F’ has been the Visual and Performing Arts Coordinator for SJUSD. His leadership helped our Arts programs avoid the draconian cuts made in nearly every other nearby district. He has positively affected thousands of students in his more than 35 years in SJUSD. The final say about the name for the facility will be up to the SJUSD school Board.
  6. Look for more information about Honor Band opportunities soon.

Thanks to All!

Fundraising through Amazon Smile

August 27, 2015

We’re always looking for new ways to fundraise in support of our band program and students. We don’t sell chocolates, or wrapping paper, or discount cards, or anything else. I know how annoying and time-consuming those product sales can be. Here’s an easy way for all of us to help raise funds for Rio Band, without doing anything extra!

When shopping on Amazon, please use this link:
A percentage of all sales will automatically be sent to RABB.
I have already bookmarked it, and will start shopping only through that link. It couldn’t be easier. One or two clicks and it’s set up. Don’t forget to bookmark it!

Thanks in advance for your help, and thanks to Erin Treadwell for setting up the account with Amazon.

Amazon Smile Link:

Japan Trip Info

August 20, 2015

Hello HCB and Smamble Members and Families,

Once we know who will be going on the Japan trip, I’ll have a better email list, so please bear with me for a little while if you are not planning to go on the trip. Also, some of you may receive this twice. I’ll have that fixed soon too. 

Thank you to those of you who attended last night’s informational meeting. It’s going to be a fantastic trip, chock full of musical and cultural opportunities. I have attached the following documents (all of which were available last night) to this post:

  1. The proposed itinerary, with costing listed on the last page.
  2. Our FAQ’s
  3. The deposit form
  4. Chaperone application

A few things to consider:

  • The initial $500 deposit is due no later than Friday, 9/4. You may send it in at any time, and we will not cash any checks until after 9/4. The sooner, the better for our planning purposes. All checks should be made payable to RABB.
  • Limited scholarships are available, based solely on financial need. Any scholarship applicant must be in good disciplinary standing, and discipline or trust issues may result in the revoking of any scholarships awarded. Scholarships will not be considered for any student whose parent applies to chaperone the trip. All scholarship recipients must make every effort to participate in all fundraising efforts for Playathon. Scholarship applications are available from Mr. Murray.
  • We will have limited space for parent chaperones, and not all applicants will be selected. Please submit the chaperone application as soon as possible. All chaperone applicants should submit the $500 deposit with their application. The deposit will be fully refunded if they are not chosen as a chaperone. 

Lots more information will come out soon, and throughout the year. 

Josh Murray
Band Director
Rio Americano High School
4540 American River Dr
Sacramento, Ca 95864
(916) 971-7512